Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Pre-Crawl

I think it was a flash of inspiration, in between firing off reply emails and tweets about food plans no less, that sparked the whole "grub crawl" idea. If you like food, and like trying different food - why restrict yourself to a one meal experience? Especially since there are pockets, nay neighbourhoods, filled with tastey and tempting food experiences. So in the spirit of efficiency (or maybe greed) the grub crawl was born. Not unlike a pub crawl, the idea is to eat your way through a series of food-hosting locals, sampling or binging at your discretion. Or your wallets' allowance.

The first Grub Crawl has been set for Wynchwood/St. Claire W area in June. Date TBD.

But I think we're up for almost a trial run with dim sum up in the "wilds" of suburban Markham. Our motley crew are mostly city dwellers (and mostly girls) and while there are two chinatowns in downtown TO, really, the majority of good chinese food has moved north. So it'll be equal parts grub crawl, part road trip and overall chinese mall shopping experience.

The Pre-Crawl
Ding Tai Fung, First Markham, (+ T and T, Pacific Mall ?)
Sat. May 22nd

Come hungry!

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